Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to Train Your Body to Burn Calories up to 43% Faster

It's no secret that Green Tea Extract has been proven to aid in Weight Loss and Increase Metabolism. It is a great option for those wanting to use natural and healthy supplements instead of the chemical cocktail of pharmaceuticals on the markets with side effects that can sometimes be fatal. Don't think that just because they say the side effects are rare that they can't happen to you! If you ask those that have been affected (or their families if the effects were tragic), I guarantee you they never thought it could have happened to them. Wake up people!

Green Tea Extract has been Proven to
Increase Metabolism and Increase Weight Loss!

There are two ways to lose weight:

1. Reduce energy intake - the total number of calories your body takes in daily, or;
2. Increase energy expenditure - the amount of calories your body burns daily

Are you one of the many adults today that are faced with Hypothyroidism, a deficiency of your thyroid activity? Hypothyroidism is characterized by a decrease in your metabolism, feeling tired and lethargic, sensitivity to cold, and in women, menstrual disturbances. In adults, if left untreated, it can progress to myxedema causing a variety of physiological problems. In infants, it can cause cretinism resulting in stunted body growth and mental development in the first years of life.

For additional resources, read this article I found on WebMD:

"The Basics of Thyroid Problems"

SOURCES: American Academy of Family Physicians. The American Thyroid Association., The Norman Endocrine Surgery Clinic. Community Health Care Medicial Library. Johns Hopkins University. US Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Mary Shoman, patient Advocate - T WebMD Drug Reference from MedicineNet:"Llevothyroxine Oral." Reviewed by John A. Seibel, MD on July 01, 2007

If you think you may be suffering from these symptoms, I would consult with your physician immediately to discuss an herbal and homeopathic remedy to treat your illness and regain your health. I would also highly suggest you keep reading this article.

Because hypothyroidism, even after treatment, can still reduce energy expenditure, naturally patients are looking for options that can safely help raise metabolism.

In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. While some of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine content of green tea, the researchers discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by the caffeine.

The same amount of caffeine as was in the green tea, administered alone, failed to change energy expenditure in other studies. This led reseachers to believe that there is some interaction going on with the active ingredients of green tea that promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation.

The researchers indicated that their findings have substantial implications for weight control. A 4% overall increase in 24-hour energy expenditure was attributed to the green tea extract, however, the research found that the extra expenditure took place during the daytime. This led them to conclude that, since thermogenesis (the body's own rate of burning calories) contributes 8-10% of daily energy expenditure in a typical subject, that this 4% overall increase in energy expenditure due to the green tea actually translated to a 35-43% increase in total daytime thermogenesis. This means by simply taking Green Tea Extract as a Daily Supplement, you will increase the rate in which you burn calories by up to 43%.

Combined with good eating habits and regular exercise, you can burn calories twice as fast and be on your way to a better body, better health and better results with no negative or long term effects. Doesn't that sound much better than what the prescription drug industry provides with their chemical cocktails?

Click the links below for more information and to learn how you can get maximum results in a natural supplement packed with Green Tea Extract and more!

---> Hoodia Gordonii Plus

---> Hoodia Blog

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